Saturday 10 March 2007, Southbank Centre, The Hayward, 2pm
Presentations on Black Mountain College in North Carolina, unitednationsplaza in Berlin and ArtSchool Palestine will spark discussions on art schools as art form and teaching with an engaged social component. Does the current status of the art market threaten the model of artists learning through osmosis and privilege a multidisciplinary training? Speakers include: Matthew Cornford, JJ Charlesworth, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Irit Rogoff, Anton Vidokle
This event will be chaired by JJ Charlesworth, an art critic who teaches frequently in art colleges in the UK. He organises the Manifesto Club's 'Artistic Autonomy' hub, a network of practitioners concerned with issues of freedom, independence and engagement in the visual arts.
With support from the Goethe Institut, London